What You Need to Know: Bike Accident Insurance Coverage

What you’ll learn in this article: As bicycling gains in popularity as more than just a form of recreation, many questions are being raised about how insurance works for bike accidents. Unfortunately, there still isn’t an entirely straightforward answer as it can depend on who was at fault for the accident and what exactly happened.  […]

Are Drunk Drivers Always at Fault?

What you’ll learn from this article: Every 39 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies in a drunk driving crash. Intoxication reduces a driver’s reaction speed and ability to think logically, making them a risk to everyone on the road. Drinking and driving accidents are a persistent problem here in Kentucky. In a single year, Kentucky […]

How Truck Blind Spot Leads to Accidents

What you will learn from this article: The roads are a complex web of vehicles of all shapes and sizes, each with its own set of challenges. Among these, large commercial trucks can pose unique risks to both truck drivers and other motorists. One significant factor contributing to accidents involving trucks is their blind spots. […]

Common Head On Collision Injuries

What you will learn in this article: Head-on collisions are frightening accidents. We know how scary these accidents can be, and we also know how overwhelming it can be to try to recover from any car accident.  Injuries are common after car accidents, but head-on collisions are especially risky. If you were injured in a […]

Head Injury Motorcycle Accident: Fractured Skull

What you’ll learn from this article: Motorcycles may bring people a lot of joy, but they are also very dangerous. Because Kentucky doesn’t have a universal helmet law, many Kentucky motorcyclists choose to ride without one. This results in hundreds of head injuries and many fatalities in Kentucky every year.  There is no doubt about […]

If a Truck Hits a Jaywalker, Who Is at Fault?

What you will learn in this article: Despite what most people tend to assume, the driver is not always the one at fault when they hit a pedestrian. However, it’s also important to understand that even if a pedestrian is jaywalking, which is illegal, this does not mean they are automatically at fault either.  Who […]