Common Car Accident Brain Injuries

Car accidents can lead to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), including concussions and more severe brain injuries. Even without direct impact to the head, the sudden jolt from a car crash can cause significant harm. While external injuries may be visible, the internal damage of TBIs can be equally, if not more, detrimental. According to the […]

Pre Existing Injury Settlement

When trying to claim a personal injury, it is important to show the negligence of the responsible party to prove your accident, incident, or injury was preventable. However, insurance companies or members of the opposition will sometimes manipulate the impact of your pre-existing conditions while determining your injury claim. They may attempt to minimize the […]

Landlord Liability and Apartment Slip and Fall Settlements

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of injuries. They happen in restaurants, on streets, and in apartments or other rentals. Unfortunately, many of these cases, particularly when it happens to tenants, go unreported because people do not fully understand their rights. While not all slip and fall accidents are the fault […]

What Does a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Payout Look Like?

When you lose a loved one due to someone else’s negligent actions, a law allows certain affected individuals to file a claim and collect compensation for their losses and suffering. These claims are known as wrongful death claims or wrongful death lawsuits. However, while a person might be entitled to compensation through a wrongful death […]

Determining Fault in a Tailgating Accident

Practicing safe driving involves giving 100% of your focus to the task at hand. Safe drivers avoid distractions, never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and also know the importance of leaving an appropriate distance between vehicles when traveling on the road. Drivers acting aggressively or being careless may follow too closely […]

Should I Give a Recorded Statement to an Insurance Adjuster?

If you were involved in a collision that left you with personal injuries, you’ll need to file a claim with the negligent driver’s insurance company. Insurance companies often request claimants to give recorded statements, but this statement can hurt your likelihood of recovering full compensation for your injuries.  You should never give a recorded statement […]

Compensation for Internal Injuries From Car Accidents

Internal injuries are most often related to the organs inside your body. These organs can become damaged and cause bleeding that can be quite serious and life-threatening, even if there is no external wound or sign of damage. And one of the most common causes of internal injuries are car accidents. Unfortunately, because internal injuries […]